Your network is such a valuable asset that you should be able to find a key employee. Figure out who you need and put together a description. Once the description is ready, think about who in your network that you should ask for assistance. Be strategic and start asking those who you think would best be able to assist you.
Initially, focus on contacting those who you have a good relationship with because they know you the best. Hopefully, you have provided enough value that they will assist you. People feel good about helping others so put yourself in that position with your network. Make sure to reciprocate as well.
The power of numbers is extremely helpful when trying to find a new key employee. The more people who you ask to assist you the more potential candidates. Those who you contact should know you well enough to be able to find some quality people who are a good match.
Most job opportunities are found through someone's network. The same thing applies for finding a key employee. Leverage your biggest personal asset, your network, to find key staff to assist you in growing your company. Entrepreneurs find most of their early hires this way.
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