When building relationships it is critical that you put others before yourself. You should do whatever you can to think about the other person before your own needs.
Relationships are built around trust and credibility. So, put your best foot forward to get others to be more comfortable with you.
As people get to know you better through your interactions, they will start to trust you more. When this happens, a mutually beneficial relationship will start to develop.
As other people see the value and benefits of you putting them first, they will start to reciprocate. In fact, they will be big advocates for you and want to assist you in any way that they can.
After the needs of others have been met, this is a good time for you to ask people for assistance. They will be more inclined to assist you at this time.
Relationshps are give and take but try to be respectful and only have requests when you really need some assistance. Refrain from taking advantage of your relationships. If this happens, then all of your good will to assist others may go out the window.
Nurture your relationships and put others first. You will reap the benefits when you least expect them.
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