As your network grows and your relationships get stronger, you will receive introductions. Make sure that you repond to every introduction even if you are unsure of the value. Below are seven reasons to respond to introductions.
1. Respect - You want to show respect for the introducer because he/she took the time to make the introduction. You were connected to someone new for a reason.
2. Opportunity - You never know what can come out of a new relationship. New opportunities could come your way.
3. Build - It is important that you are consistently building your network. So, the more new people you meet the greater the potential for you to grow your network.
4. Brand - You have a brand to protect so you want others to think that you are approachable. Your personal brand is a critical aspect of business.
5. Credibility - If someone in your network took the time to make an introduction, then he/she thinks highly of you. Make sure to keep your credibility to high standards so acknowledge any introduction.
6. Reciprocity - Building relationships is a two way street. So, any introduction to you may be a result of you making a previous introduction.
7. Fun - It can be a rewarding experience to meet new people. Make it fun to get to know others and see how you can help one another.
What other reasons can you think of?
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