Building and nurturing relationships takes a lot of time and effort. Without properly caring for your relationships, you may lose some of them. Below are seven sure fire ways to kill off some of your relationships. In fact, you may want to lose some of them, especially if they are only one sided and/or a pain to manage.
1. Mostly a taker - If you mostly ask people in your network for help and don't give any in return, then there is a good chance that some will not want to interact with you anymore. It is important to be a giver more than a taker.
2. Don't care what others have to say - When interacting with others, you usually get a good sense of their needs and interests. However, if you come across as non-caring and only want to talk about yourself, then you will turn others away. Make sure that you acknowledge what others share and most importantly take a real interest.
3. Sell too much - If you are always selling your products/services when communicatinng with others, then you are bound to turn them off. Rather, focus on selling yourself so others can get to know you. When the time is right, they will make a purchase based on trust and friendship.
4. Show no value - If you don't show that there is value with you being in someone's network, then you may lose that connection. It is important you are constantly providing value whether it simply sharing industry resources or making referrals.
5. Rude and disrepectful - People generally don't want to be around others who are rude and disrespectul. If you act this way, then you are sure to lose many relationships. Focus on being genuine and nice to others.
6. Don't make introductions - If you are always receiving introductions and never making introductions, then those that make the introductions will feel that your relationship is one-sided. Make sure to reciprocate and make introductions back when approrpriate.
7. Not fun to be around - If you are always a downer, then people won't want to be around you. Be happy and smile around others to make them feel comfortable.
What other business relationship killers can you think of?
Related Post: Seven Ways to Lose Credibility with Your Network
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