Everyone has a different reason to connect and build relationships. We each have our own agenda and goals. Some of our goals are shorter term than others. What kind of networker are you?
The Taker
When you meet this type of networker, you are usually asked to provide some help. These networkers are more focused on themselves so they are more interested in how you can help them. They may or may not ever ask how they can help you. It is okay to often help but make sure that it goes both ways. You don’t want this kind of networker to take advantage of you.
The Giver
The flipside of The Taker is the networker who is always asking how he/she can help you. Some of the more successful relationship builders are givers and don’t expect anything in return. However, it is important that when you do need help that you ask for it.
The Salesman
When talking with this type of networker, he/she is trying to sell you on his products or services. Most often, this person only cares about making a sale before getting to know you. These types of networkers can turn people off from the process of relationship building.
Long Term Builder
In order to build sustainable relationships, you should be thinking long term. This type of networker takes time to build a relationship because he/she wants to keep in contact with you for years to come. Therefore, you won’t be sold and this person is more of a giver.
What other kinds of networkers are there?
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