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  • Networking perspective based on experience and observation by relationship builder, Jason Jacobsohn

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December 24, 2007


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Andreas Stephan

For everyone who did not find the right niche social network here but feels a need for a specialized social network of any kind, go and create your own on The site is available in English and German for now and offers an easy way to create a special interest social network in just a few clicks.

Find A Social Network

We run a search engine specifically set up to help find and promote niche social networks, blogs and other social media.
There's been a huge growth in niche social networking sites and this is set to continue thanks sites such as Ning et al.

The goal of Find A Social Network is to make it easier for users to find sites and communities related to their particular interests while helping niche sites grow their user base and monetize their web property.

Please feel free to register and submit your website to our database!

Jason Jacobsohn

Thanks for sharing both of your resources.

You ѕhould tаke part in a cintest for onе оf the finest websites οn the web.

I most certainly will recommend this blog!

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