Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year when we all get together with family and old friends who we may only see once a year. It is a great time to relax and to get away from work for a few days. Many people relax in different ways such as watching football, shopping, reading, or talking with people. Thanksgiving is a great time to build your relationships with family and re-connect with old friends so make sure that you maximize the opportunity.
Since you may only see some people once a year, make sure that you give them an update on your personal and business life. People close to you are genuinely interested so take the time to tell them about yourself.
At the same time, you need to take an interest in others by having them give you an update on their lives. You never know what you may find out. In fact, you may realize that you can help each other by giving advice or making referrals. Don’t leave any stone unturned so take these relationships very serious.
Don’t be afraid to ask relatives for help because most of the time they will assist when possible. In these circumstances, you don’t have to worry about helping them first. The fact that you are related is enough.
As you reach out to old friends, take the time to get re-acquainted with each other. Because of your past history together, you have enough in common that you should have no problem helping one another. However, be genuine and take an interest in your friends, otherwise, they won’t be as willing to help.
Before you talk with your relatives and old friends, consider preparing the below information. Because these relationships are in your inner circle, you can get right down to the point.
1. Be able to succinctly tell people what you do so they have a good understanding of your skills and experience. Also, this is good practice for when you get back home and start meeting people again.
2. Think of people who you would like to meet that may or may not be directly connected to your relatives or old friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for introductions.
3. Spend time researching and educating yourself on others’ lives and professions. If you do this, then you will be more prepared for your conversations and will come across as someone who has an interest in others.
Also, since you will have some down time (hopefully), make room for the following:
1. Catch up with your personal branding activities such as writing articles or blog posts. If you are flying, then work on these activities on the plane. Otherwise, find a spare moment that will allow you to do a little work.
2. Catch up with your business reading, both magazines and books. When at home, time is limited so take advantage of this opportunity.
3. Spend time thinking about your career and reevaluate yourself. Should you make any changes? Are you happy at your job?
Whatever you do at Thanksgiving, don’t forget to have fun and relax. The above is not meant to make it more stressful. I just want you to be aware of the great opportunity that you have to further your close relationships during Thanksgiving.
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